Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Egg and The Eye

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to my journey into Seeing Sideways, this blog will contain all of my assignment explanations.

This week I started the ultimate journey of seeing sideways and experiencing the world in a new light. Going away after the first lecture knowing that a set number of choices is good, but an unlimited number of choices is bad. I wanted to take my Egg and crack it and get rid of the innards to limit my choices of what I wanted to do for my assignment.

All through my days at school from elementary, high school, and college I have been told what to do and how to do it. When I received this assignment I was given instructions that seemed like a strange language at the time that I could not understand. Do whatever you want? But what about the 10 points? How am I supposed to know what the professor wanted? But deep down this was a challenge I felt more obliged to accomplish than any other assignment I have ever completed.

Once the Egg was cracked I came away not knowing what to do next as the options I had now were much more limited than what I could have done with a complete egg. I felt happy when I cracked the egg, and I wanted to express that with the shell in whatever I decided to do with it. It wasn't until I started arranging the pieces of the shell on a paper plate. I glued the pieces in an outline of a face that is smiling. It took about 10 minutes but I felt more accomplished than a project I would do that took 10 hours. I created a piece of art (in my opinion of course) with the simple object of an egg. Whatever this class my hold next I am very very intrigued.

-Blake Salisbury

Here is the photo of the smiling egg shell

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